Campus Writing Board

The Campus Writing Board (CWB) advises the Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education on the implementation of the Writing-Enriched Curriculum Program (WEC) Specifically, the CWB:

  • Supports the intentional integration of writing and writing instruction into courses (including Writing-Intensive courses) that compose undergraduate curricula.
  • Evaluates and approves Writing-Enriched Curriculum Writing Plans proposed by academic units participating in the WEC Program;
  • Provides guidance on formal writing policy for the Senate Committee on Educational Policy (SCEP) and full Senate;
  • Works with the Council on Liberal Education to coordinate liberal education and writing at the University of Minnesota.

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Mary Vavus
Communication Studies | [email protected]

Faculty/Academic Professional Representatives

Metin Cakir
Applied Economics | [email protected]

Peter Hilger
Construction Management | [email protected]

Deanna Koepp
Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development | [email protected]

Caprice Niccoli
Psychology | [email protected]

Helena Ruf
German, Nordic, Slavic, and Dutch | [email protected]

Ross VeLure Roholt
Youth Studies | [email protected]

Ex Officio Representatives

Matthew Luskey
Writing Across the Curriculum | [email protected]

Leslie Schiff
Undergraduate Education | [email protected]


Heidi Solomonson
Program Coordinator | [email protected]

Meeting Schedule

Email Heidi Solomonson at [email protected] with questions.

Writing Plan Review:

  • April 17, 2024 12:00-2:00 p.m.
  • May 15, 2024 12:00-2:00 p.m.

Writing-Enriched Curriculum Writing Plans

Writing-Enriched Curriculum Writing Plans

Campus Writing Board Criteria: The board considers the merit of each Undergraduate Writing Plan using a list of approved guidelines. Essentially, the board is looking for plans that address writing-related expectations and concerns voiced by unit faculty, instructors, and undergraduate students. Successful Plans, which are created as a result of the Writing-Enriched Curriculum process, contain innovative, attainable goals and cost-effective means for providing instructional support. Finally, successful Writing Plans evidence significant faculty participation and approval.

Writing Plan Submission Guidelines

The Writing-Enriched Curriculum Program is funded by the Office of Undergraduate Education.

Approved WEC plans

The following plans have been approved by the Campus Writing Board.